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学术报告:Wireless Radios as Sensors


主题:Wireless Radios as Sensors: Challenges and Opportunities ahead in Promising   Cyber-Physical System Applications
报告人:Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, assistant professor at the Fordham University, NY, USA
报告时间:20171217 上午10:00

报告摘要:Want to turn off the lights before sleeping, while you are falling asleep? Want to change the TV channel without a remote control, while you are cooking? Want to track your heartbeat without any sensing units, while you are on a smartphone? No problem at all. In this talk, I will focus on answers to these questions and demonstrate that, without interrupting the data communication, how we can leverage wireless device signals passively for the answers. For example, just raise your hand, finger-swipe the air, your lights will power down; swipe your hand left-to-right or right-to-left, your TV channel will be changed; or just tap your mobile screen to see your heartbeat? All of these, we can achieve with our wireless devices (namely, Wi-Fi, wireless sensor), but without the need of any sensing or additional transmitting unit. Nowadays, wireless signals are ubiquitous and are around of us; some pass through us and some reflect off us. I will highlight these signals can extend our senses, enabling us to see moving objects through walls, behind the closed door, and in the dark where even cameras don’t work well and security personnel cannot get in. I will discuss a set of emerging wireless signal applications that can change our current thoughts on sensing with wireless sensor networks. Next, I will discuss methods, techniques, challenges how signals are used in such applications. Finally, I will present a set of promising signal applications that are yet be researched and may enhance comfort in our daily life.
报告人简介:Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan is currently an assistant professor of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the Fordham University, NY, USA. Earlier, he worked as an assistant professor at the Temple University. His research focuses on dependable cyber physical systems, WSN applications, big data, cloud computing, and cyber security. He has served as a lead guest editor and associates editor for IEEE TBD, ACM TCPS, INS, FGCS, IEEE IoT journal, Cluster Computing, TJCA, and so on. He has also served as a general chair, program chair, workshop chair, publicity chair, TPC member, and reviewer of international journals/conferences. Currently, he is a general chair for IEEE DASC 2018 (Greece), DependSys 2018 (China), and a program chair for IEEE I-SPAN 2018 (China) and IEEE SmartWorld 2018 (China), and a TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM 2018 (USA). He has received the IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing for Early Career Researchers (2016-2017) and the IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award (2016) and Service Award (2017). He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM.